I love you Spelunky. Why do you hate me so? You can view the full size image here.
I love you Spelunky. Why do you hate me so? You can view the full size image here.
For a while having my entire site simply be a WordPress blog got the job done for me. I’m at the point now where I’d like greater control over the top level domain baconandgames.com. The intent will be to call out projects, introduce myself and feature certain articles. So the blog will be moved to this .blog subdomain and I’ll be maintaining more custom content at the root level.
And if you’re still reading, this post is mainly a test to make sure that WordPress is working properly at its new location.
N.Y.A.T.G. (Not Your Average Typing Game) – Week 02 Done.
I focused on learning how to work with SpriteRenderers, nest GameObjects, use iTween and a few other essentials. The concept was designed to support some of the former, but I also made an effort to design a game that I wouldn’t normally or that I didn’t think would be any fun because, well, why not?
I’m not saying this game is “fun” but I’m surprised at how fun it is considering. Ultimately these “One Game a Week” experiments are really more like “One Game a 10 Hours”, which is why I didn’t get to any audio, but hey the experiment marches forward.
It’s easy to dismiss the internet as an angry hotbed of hate and negativity. But the truth is the Internet is made up of the same people walking around every day whom (I’d hope) you wouldn’t describe in the same way. Anonymity is a funny thing that I’m not going to get into right now, but suffice to say that generally the people with the least interesting things to say are the loudest. They have to be, their arguments don’t stand on their own.
On the Internet of People: All the great folks from the real world, the trick is finding the volume knob #gamedev pic.twitter.com/D0fj6oxo0X
— Sean James McKenzie (@baconandgames) November 3, 2014
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