Bacon and Games

Month: September 2014

Jay is Games wrote up a really nice review (thanks!) of Lazy Thief which you can read here.

Regarding the only “negative” part of the article, the simplicity of the art… That was largely a function of time constraints and a desire to keep simple certain aspects of the game. I’m not defending the comment, I agree with it. I just want folks to know that it was my decision and NOT AT ALL a failing of the super-talented artist, Ajay Karat.

Rest assured if there’s a follow up, the art and everything else will go to 11 :)

You can play Lazy Thief here.

Lazy Thief Released on

This past Friday I released a new web-game called Lazy Thief on Armor Games. It’s a project I chipped away at over the course of about a year with artist and friend Ajay Karat of Devils Garage. It’s hardly the Mona Lisa, but given the circumstances I’m quite pleased with how it turned out.

I may write a post-mortem one day but for now I’m just enjoying the divine embrace of a recently completed project :D Mmmmmm

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